#2134 : Malachite slice 28g


#2134 Malachite Slice. 28g


♥ absorbs negative energies and pollutants ♥ clears and activates the chakras ♥ attunes to spiritual guidance ♥ activates visualization and psychic vision ♥ brings balance and harmony ♥ opens the heart to unconditional love ♥ A stone of transformation ♥ breaks unwanted ties and outworn patterns ♥ teaches how to take responsibility for one’s actions, thoughts and feelings ♥ encourages expressing feelings ♥ helps develop empathy and understanding for others ♥ alleviates shyness and supports friendships ♥ goes to the core of the problem, enhancing intuition and insight ♥ absorbs and process information ♥ more observant ♥ helps in understanding difficult concepts

Malachite Uses:

  • absorbs negative energies and pollutants easily, picking them up from the atmosphere and from the body

  • Soaks up pollution and guards against radiation of all kinds

  • Clears and activates the chakra and attunes spiritual guidance

  • Placed on the third eye it activates visualization and psychic vision

  • Placed on the heart and brings balance and harmony, it opens the heart to unconditional love

  • Assist in receiving insight from the subconscious or messages from the future

  • Malachite is a stone of transformation

  • adventurous stone, encourages risk-taking and change

  • Shows you mercilessly what is blocking your spiritual growth

  • Breaks unwanted ties and outworn patterns, and teaches how to take responsibility for one’s actions, thoughts and feelings

  • It releases inhibitions and encourages expressing feeling

  • Helps develop empathy

  • Alleviates shyness, and supports friendships

  • Goes to the core of a problem, enhancing intuition and insight

  • Alleviates mental disturbances, including psychiatric illness, and combats dyslexia

  • Strengthens the ability to absorb and process information, makes you more observant and helps in understanding difficult concepts

  • placed on solar plexus, malachites facilitates deep emotional healing. It releases negative experiences and old traumas, bringing suppressed feelings to the surface and restoring the ability to breathe deeply
